
Your contact details (for possible enquiries)

Please enter your email address or phone number for possible enquiries.

Your nationality

Where did the incident take place? Please give us your best estimate:

When did the incident take place/when did you make your observation? If you saw this incident over several days/months, please select the most recent day/month. You may provide more details in the description.

What time did you see the incident? Please provide an estimate if possible.

Which species were involved? Select all that apply: *

Please try your best to estimate the number of animals involved and fill in the boxes below.

Please describe what you observed. Select all that apply: *

Please describe what you saw in more detail.


Please attach any photos or videos related to the incident to your report. This may include photos of animals, pictures of license plates transporting dogs and cats and facilities. Permitted image file types are JPG, PNG, PDF – max 2MB. Permitted video file types are MP4, MOV – max 100MB.
If you have additional information or evidence to send, please indicate this in the below box, and we will reach out to you to discuss this.

Please feel free to add any other information about the offense that you have not entered. If you have seen similar incidents on other days, please describe briefly below.

Do we have your permission to provide your name, email address and/or phone number to the Cambodian and/or Vietnamese Government, if they request it to follow up the report with you?

Do we have your permission to contact you if there are further questions about the reported incident?

Do we have your permission to use this report, or information from this report (excluding personal data), in public-facing materials, such as on social media, email updates, billboards, etc.?

By making this as far as legally permissible irrevocable permission, I hereby grant VIER PFOTEN International - gemeinnützige Privatstiftung, FN 227934y, Linke Wienzeile 236, 1150 Vienna, Austria, in particular, though not solely the following rights to the text, pictures and videos or parts thereof: the non-exclusive right of use, without any restriction in terms of location, time or content, to use, utilise and edit the text, pictures and videos concerned in any manner currently known and to sublicense these rights to third parties for raising awareness about the problems of the dog and cat meat trade and the importance of fighting it. I hereby waive the right to be named in the copyright notice.

For more information on the processing of your personal data, please see our Privacy Statement by clicking this link.

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